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mercoledì 28 settembre 2011


Salve a tutti amici scusate la pausa estiva ma il lavoro ha fermato il blog ma non la mia voglia di viaggiare e allora come inizio di stagione inizieremo con le Sagre di Paese a medio / lungo raggio....
Una tradizionale Sagra dedicata "all'ORO VERDE"....stiamo parlando del buonissimo PISTACCHIO DI BRONTE. Potrete degustare tutti i prodotti che si possono ottenere dal questo gioiello delle pendici dell'Etna, come il gelato, il pesto, la torta al pistacchio chiamata "FILLETTA" ed il preziosissimo olio di pistacchio usato come emoliente in dermatologia....Quindi tutti a Bronte sulle pendici dell'Etna dal 06/ 09 Ottobre 2011....

Se invece vi piace la Noce, forse non sapete che in Sicilia abbiamo una noce che non ha nulla da invidiare a quella Californiana. Siamo a MOTTA CAMASTRA (ME), tutta la cittadina si abbellirà con stand e l'allegria dei gruppi folkloristici....dal 30 Settembre al 02 Ottobre..

Ma rimaniamo in zona....inizia a Ottobre la ormai conosciuta OTTOBRATA ZAFFERANEA...DAL 02/ 30 Ottobre per tutto il mese la cittadina sarà scenario di varie sagre con prodotti tipici della zona con varie degustazioni...un appuntamento da non perdere !!!

Una gita merita la Sagra del Ficodindia a San Cono (Ct)...dal 07/ 09 Ottobre

La prossima festa di cui parlerò non è una sagra ma una festa di strada molto bella che si svolge a Ragusa Ibla, stiamo parlando della IBLA BUSKERS FESTA DEGLI ARTISTI DI STRADA.
Tantissimi artisti dalle 20:00 in poi rallegreranno le strade di Ibla con spettacoli, concerti , balli e canti. Vedrete artisti provenienti da tutte le piazze europee, una occasione da non perdere nel bellissimo scenario barocco di Ragusa. Dal 12 / 16 Ottobre.

.....Anticipazione di Novembre....FUNGO FERLA FEST A CALTAVUTURO (PA)..dal 12 /14 Novembre

sabato 28 maggio 2011


Cari amici oggi faremo un viaggio nella mia Terra, LA SICILIA !

Qui troverete non un isola ma un continente, infatti qui ci sono in un posto solo montagne, vallate, zone desertiche, vulcani, mari pulitissimi e spiaggie con sabbia dorata.
Vedrete tramonti che non dimenticherete e conoscerete gente che non dimenticherete con facilità, piena di calore ed ospitalità.
Ma iniziamo a conoscere le zone della Sicilia.

A Nord è bagnata dall' Adriatico, dove troviamo alcune delle perle della Sicilia: L'ARCIPELAGO DELLE EOLIE e USTICA. Il primo è composto da 8 isole, la più vicina a noi è VULCANO mentre la più lontana e STROMBOLI a Est e ALICUDI a Ovest.
Sull' isola di SALINA, in particolare nel Comune di Malfa, si produce la famosa Malvasia delle Lipari Doc. Un vino dolce fantastico prodotto da uve malvasia e corinto. Le uve dopo la vendemmia, che avviene ad ottobre, vengono stese sui Cannizzuoli cioè graticci di canna, sotto il sole per 15 giorni e dopo un lavoro in cantina, permette di creare un vino di colore giallo dorato e un gusto  piacevolmente dolce.

A Salina si trova il CAPOFARO MALVASIA RESORT, della Famiglia TASCA D 'ALMERITA, produttori di vino. Spostiamoci a Ustica dove si producono le Lenticchie più piccole d' Italia Presidio Slow Food.

Il nostro viaggio si sposta sull Isola Madre e di preciso  nel suo avanposto più estremo: MESSINA. Bellissima città, qui potrete vedere lo straordinario Campanile dove al suo interno si trova l'OROLOGIO ASTRONOMICO più grande del mondo. Costruito nel 1933, ciascun giorno è rappresentato da una divinità pagana su un carro trainato da un animale diverso. Dopo aver fatto una bella passeggiata per il centro storico, vi consiglio un buon ristorante: LE DUE SORELLE in piazza Municipio dove potrete degustare lo Stocco in diverse preparazioni o le verdure che si abbianano al Cous Cous o al pesce fresco.
Continuiamo verso il Golfo di Palermo. Per strada incontrerete l'uscita per Terrasini, dopo un tuffo rinfrescante nelle sue acque pulitissime, andate a pranzare al ristorante IL BAVAGLINO del giovane chef Giuseppe Costa che vi farà provare una buonissima insalata di mare tiepida con una salsa di mele e limone o uno spaghetto con i ricci di mare e polvere di zenzero.
Mi sta venendo l'acquolina in bocca!!!!!

Se amate la montagna, sempre nel palermitano, dirigetevi  a Castelbuono, qui troverete un ristorante storico dove potrete mangiare i funghi siciliani e non solo, sto parlando del ristorante Nangalarruni del simpatico Peppe Carollo, grande esperto di funghi, infatti potrete assaggiarli abbinati ad un spuma di ricotta, ma anche maialino nero in crosta di MANNA. Nelle zone di Castelbuono infatti si ricava la Manna. Questa è la resina del Frassino e poi se essiccata è ottima come lassativo, digestivo e rinfrescante.....non vi ho incuriosito un po????

giovedì 26 maggio 2011


L’Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile, in stretto contatto con le altre Istituzioni preposte, sta seguendo costantemente l'evolversi della posizione della nube di ceneri vulcaniche che si è formata a seguito dell'attività del vulcano islandese Grimsvotn. Il Presidente Vito Riggio, augurandosi innanzitutto che la nube non raggiunga il nostro Paese, evidenzia: “L’Enac, rispetto allo scorso anno, è maggiormente preparato ad affrontare una situazione di crisi legata a eventi vulcanici. Strumenti e risorse messi in campo concorrono, infatti, a una gestione più completa delle informazioni con la possibilità, pertanto, di assumere decisioni mirate e commisurate all’eventuale situazione che dovesse presentarsi”.


Per celebrare i propri 25 anni di successi in Italia, Cathay Pacific propone infatti una tariffa speciale per volare a Hong Kong. Con il pacchetto dedicato al 25° Anniversario è possibile volare da Roma e Milano in Economy Class a partire da 615 euro e a partire da 2.455 euro in Business Class.

venerdì 20 maggio 2011


Dear friends, today I wanted to recommend a journey through the most beautiful places in Tennessee.
This month and throughout the summer there will be many events for adults and children. A place for the whole family, for your summer.

Let's start ...... We in Oak Ridge.
On 17/18 June,  there will be a...... "Secret City Festival: East Tennessee's Premiere Summer Event!

There will be two full days of events, I will quote some ......

  • concerts featuring Village People and Ricky Skaggs
  • live music and entertainment
  • expanded toddler's, children’s, and teen's areas
  • the zipline returns in a new location
  • the south’s largest WWII Reenactment
  • Oak Ridge history exhibits
  • Manhattan Project site tours
  • regional exhibitors and vendors
  • arts & crafts
  • TN Creates juried arts show
  • antiques & collectibles
  • festival food, fun, and more!
and for children ?.......

Friday, June 17
11am - 7pm

Saturday, June 18
10am - 7pm
Water Wars
Giant Firetruck Slide
Ponderosa Petting Zoo
Children’s Crafts (Sponsored by Oak Ridge Chapter of Credit Unions)
Inflatable Baseball/TBall
Inflatable Basketball
DJ – Karaoke
Puppetone Rockers
Little Trains
Rock Climbing Wall
Home Depot Workshops (Saturday only)

Children's Stage - Saturday Only
11:00 AM           Michael Messing – Magic & Illusions
12:00 Noon    Nancy Brennan Strange – Storytelling
2:00 PM        Nancy Brennan Strange – Storytelling
3:00 PM           Michael Messing – Magic & Illusions ......WOW is amazing

But let's move in the city of Chattanooga......

Here are 10 suggestions to make, suggested by the blog .... very special

1.BOATING CRUISES: Explore the downtown riverfront and the Tennessee River on an eco-cruise aboard the Tennessee Aquarium's River Gorge Explorer or on the Blue Moon; a sightseeing, lunch or dinner cruise on the Southern Belle Riverboat or a scenic ride along the riverfront aboard the amphibious Chattanooga Ducks.

2.  WILDLIFE ENCOUNTERS: Come face-to-face with sharks, stingrays, penguins & thousands of other animals that swim, fly and crawl at the downtown
Tennessee Aquarium; go an exotic voyage into the wild at the Tennessee Aquarium's IMAX 3D Theater; or venture near snow leopards, red pandas, jaguars and more at the Chattanooga Zoo.

3.FESTIVALS & LIVE ENTERTAINMENT: Be entertained at numerous downtown music festivals throughout the summer including the 9-day
Riverbend Festival featuring Miranda Lambert, Brian McKnight, Beach Boys, Casting Crowns & more; 5-month Nightfall Concert Series; Riverfront Nights Music Series; Southern Brewer's Festival or year-round concerts at Rhythm & Brews.

4.CULINARY DISCOVERIES: Whether you're looking for upscale restaurants or trendy dives, you'll find an array of establishments downtown that have attracted food reviewers and celebs including Rachel Ray's $40 a Day show. For fine-dining, Wine-Spectator-Award-winning restaurants, you can't miss
Table 2 and 212 Market or the James-Beard-nominated St. John's. If you're looking for to-see-and-be-seen in places, check out one of the watering holes with the finest local brews at Big River Grille, Market Street Tavern, Hair of the Dog Pub, Urban Stack or The Terminal.

Chattanooga Choo Choo in the Southside District; the Trail of Tears passage at Ross's Landing on the downtown riverfront; the Chickamauga-Chattanooga National Military Park, International Towing & Recovery Museum; Bessie Smith Cultural Center or the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum, only 15 minutes from downtown.

6.ARTS & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES: Take in one of the nation's largest collections of American art at the
Hunter Museum of American Art; stroll through museums & galleries in the North Shore, Bluff View Arts & the Southside Districts; create your own masterpiece at the interactive Creative Discovery Museum for children or enjoy public art along First Street, Main Street and the downtown area.

7.SHOPPING SPREE: You'll find an eclectic variety of boutiques, galleries, quaint shops, antiques & restaurants in the downtown
North Shore and Southside Districts; and just 15 minutes from downtown visit Hamilton Place, Tennessee's largest mall, that features over 200 shops and eateries.

8.LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN FUN: Cool down high atop
Lookout Mountain, just six miles from downtown. Venture through the trails at Rock City Gardens; 260 feet below the ground at Ruby Falls; straight up & down Lookout Mountain on the world's steepest passenger railway, the Incline Railway; and much more.

9.THRILLING ADVENTURES: If you're up for a thrill, try
hang gliding 2,000 feet in the air along Lookout Mountain; whitewater rafting on the wild Ocoee River only 45 minutes from downtown; or plummet 14 stories to the ground 50 miles per hour on the OH-ZONE! at Lake Winnepesaukah Amusement Park.

10.OUTDOOR RECREATION: Land, air and water - we've got it all. Try out rock climbing downtown at
Coolidge Park or numerous other places, biking along the Tennessee River on the Tennessee Riverwalk, kayaking or canoeing downtown, hiking, fishing, golfing, and more. Outdoor Chattanooga is the central resource for information about outdoor recreation. They also host guided hiking, biking, and kayaking trips, classes, and demonstrations.

Let's move to Clarksville, we are in Montgomery County....
....If you love softball from June 11 to June 13 there will be a USSSA Tournament
for info

giovedì 19 maggio 2011



It comprises countrysideviews of fertile valleys surrounded byhills. The walk passes through dryfarmed land as well as maquis. Beyond
the hamlet of Baúrija, a detour
takes you to Mi©ra Ferúa where the
Normans landed in the 11th century tobring to an end the Arab rule in Malta.

The walk meanders along coastal cliffs offering stunning views anda glimpse of the islet of Filfla. The site of a Bronze Age village, clifffarmhouses as well as Roman quarries, can also be seen along the
way. MtahlebÕs chapel, built during the mid-17th century standshigh above the cliff-farms and overlooks the fertile valley. The walk
continues towards Fiddien valley from where it proceeds towardsthe finishing point at Rabat.

The text read in conjunction with the route map (found in the centre
pages) enables you to follow the route more easily. The numbersin the text correspond to the numbers on the map.

How to get there
The starting point is at Rabat, more precisely at the Nigret roundabout
(near the Busugrilla Housing Estate) at the western extremityof the town.

Public Transport
You can get there as follows;

From Valletta, route buses 80 and 81 alighting at the Nigretroundabout.

From Sliema, route bus 65 which stops at the Saqqajja terminus,
close to Mdina and approximately 1.3 km away from the Nigretroundabout.

From Bugibba, route bus 86 which also stops at Saqqajja terminus
as above.
For the return journey the same route buses can be taken from thesame place you have alighted prior to starting the walk. It is advisable
to check bus timetables before you embark on the walk.

Own Transport
It is possible to use your own transport to reach the Nigret roundabout
as the walk ends there too. It is suggested that you park yourvehicle in the car park of the housing estate.

Length of the walk (excluding detours) is 13 km.
Duration is approximately 4.5 to 5 hours.

The Walk

The walk starts at the Nigretroundabout, at the lower end of
Vjal il-Haddiem. Turn left to followthe road sign to Fiddien.

The road passes by some farmbuildings and eventually reachesthe open countryside. You will
soon reach a horse-drinking fountain
at a road junction. Follow the
Bahrija sign. A short downhill
road flanked by a row of maturemulberry trees reaches a buildingcarrying a marble commemorative

tablet in Latin. It states; ÔThis is
a gauging chamber for the two
12 inch cast iron pipes takingwater from a spring nearby onto the Sentini Reservoir.Õ The re

placement of oldclay pipes withcast iron ones was
considered a majorproject at the turnof the 20th century.
Next to this building
there is a cobbled
running along thewatercourse and a
picnic area recently
provided aspart of a project torehabilitate the

Gauging chamber at Fiddien


As you walk alongthe valley, you willcome across steel
mesh cages(gabions) filled with
stones. These are
used as soil retainingwalls. To encouragethe growth of flora,
the top gabionscontain soil in a
degradable plasticbag. The idea is to
emulate the typicalMaltese rubble wall. The clump ofyoung trees just behind the rubblewall in the picnic area is the whitewillow (Salix alba). Years agowillow branches were used for a
hand musical instrument (Iz-
Zafzafa) and in basketry. Further
downstream, this valley runs intothe Chadwick Lakes.

Prickly pear flower
Walk a few paces beyond thispicnic area to reach a road junction.
Take the road on the right leadingto Bahrija. (Note that the road onthe left will be your return route ofthis walk from Mtahleb). The first
part of the road to Bahrija is linedwith Mulberry trees. On the right,
you will soon notice the hugecovered reservoir of is-Sentini.
This collects spring water from the

surrounding area. After
chlorination, the water runs to TaÕ
Qali Reservoir in Attard, practicallyfollowing the same route as theaquaduct built in 1615 byGrandmaster Wignacourt. At the
time, the aquaduct was a majorengineering feat by which springwater flowed by gravity from thisarea all the way to Valletta some15 kms away.

Retaining walls constructed from steelmesh gabions


The road starts ascending, flankedby fields enclosed in rubble wallsand a few farm buildings. On yourright you can see fertile agricultural
land and further down, TaÕ
Koronja valley. No wonder the
Knights tapped the abundantsprings here to supply their newcapital city, Valletta, with that precious
commodity Ð water.

Beyond a farm livestock unit on theleft and a few Aleppo pines, youreach a road junction. Take the1road on the left
 and walk towards
the hamlet of Baúrija.
On your left, you will see the tallradio antennae of the Wied Rini
Maritime Coastal Station of the
Civil Aviation Department. Walk
along the main road to Baúrijahamlet until you reach a largesquare named Il-Misrah. In this
square there are catering facilities,
a small public garden with publictoilet facilities and childrenÕs playequipment. The name of the garden
is ÒIt-Tifla tal-Barnuza L-
îamraÓ (Little Red Riding Hood) asindicated by the miniature cottageat the end of the garden.


Across the road from the gardena low rubble wall encloses a
corbelled hut, underneath which
there is an ancient undergroundrock tomb. This site is private.
From here you can also see, tothe North behind the new buildings,
the old 16th century chapel
of St. Martin the Bishop. Activities
are organized in Novemberto commemorate the feast of
this local patron. These includea particular village fte where,
rumour has it, one can find the

Corbelled hut over ancient rock tomb
best fattened turkeys on sale inanticipation of Christmas.
Continue along the main roadflanking the garden. Beyond thePrimary School, the road startsgoing slightly downhill until aroad junction is reached. 2 Turn
left into a country road passing

through small irrigated fields. Youmay see large pumpkins stackedon roofs of farmhouses. Pumpkinsare harvested in late summer.
These are taken to the vegetablemarket, a few at a time, accordingto demand, until the next harvest
is due. Pumpkins are stored on theroof to protect them from fieldmice.
Ignore the narrow downhilllane you soon meet on your leftand follow the right turning in theroad past an old farm with longstone water spouts on its roof.
Then follow the first left path,
which abruptly descends intothe valley. Soon a wide asphalted
steep track takes youto a cluster of canes. This pathleads you under a canopy ofcanes and over the stream bed.

St Martin the Bishop Chapel - Baúrija

Once over the stream bed, turn

right following the path runningalongside, butslightly above,
the stream bed
for approximately
200 metres
until the
path turns uphill
to your left.
In wet conditions
your step. Note
the wetland

flora of the
Toweringabove is
the Il-
Qlejg ú a
rocky outcrop
is the site
of a Bronze
Age village.

The Bronze Age people probably came from a region in the Southof Italy after the decline of the Temple people. The Bronze Age
covers the period from 2500 BC to 800 BC. Settlers established
small, well-defended hilltop villages of simple hovels, to meet theconditions prevailing at the time. Archaeological finds from thearea yielded pottery fragments of earthenware utensils bearing aCalabrian influence. Probably, the Baúrija Phase saw its inhabit-
ants as livestock breeders or herdsmen, rather than farmers. It is
easier to defend livestock by protecting it in the fortified villagethan protecting the crops in the open fields below. Raising live-
stock in this area was economically viable dueto the presence of nearby springs, valleys car-
rying flowing waters and lush vegetation.
The sheer cliffs rising from the sea also offeredprotection to the village.
Pumpkins and melons in
the sun at Mtaúleb


Site of Bronze Age village Site of Bronze Age village
Once the path reaches a junctionjust beneath the rocky outcrop, thewalk continues to the left. 3 However
if you wish to catch a glimpseof the site of a Bronze Age village,
turn temporarily to the right following
the footpath for about 100
metres. The narrow path passes

through a cleft in the rocky outcropand slopes slightly down to another
path at a lower level. To yourright you can see a number ofcaves ensconced in the rocks and
having their entrances walled upby rough hewn stones. At pathlevel, large boulders can still beseen forming part

of the rubble
walls, probablyforming part ofthe village protective
wall. Beyondthe gateways theland is private.
Retrace yoursteps to point. 3


Vigarju cliffs
Vigarju cliffs
Walk uphill for a few metres whereyou can enjoy a good view of theislet of Filfla beyond the cliffs. The
path continues uphill and passes aweathered rockface on your rightstudded with caper plants
(Capparis spinosa). On the left,
across the valley, the Baúrija hamlet
stands out on the ridge. A few
more metres ahead and a solitaryvilla on the left is reached. The pathnow develops into an asphalted

countryside road. Walk past thisbuilding, on the asphalted road,
with the Tal-Vigarju Cliffs on yourright.

Proceed further and soon, on yourright, you pass by a solitary farmbuilding perched on the edge ofthe cliffs. On the left, there are a
number of dry-farmed fields reclaimed
some twenty years ago byGovernment and tenanted to
farmers. At the next junc-

Rocky outcrop protecting the Baúrija valley

tion, walk straight on enabling
you to walk closer to4the cliffs.

The road to
the left also leads to
Mtaúleb but through aroute away from the cliffs.
This hamlet will be seen at
a later stage of this walk.

The road continues on for a few
metres up to a Y junction. 5 Both
roads lead to the same path butthe one on the right is suggestedfor a good birdÕs eye view of theintensely cultivated terraced fields.
The walk continues its windingway along a stretch ofrocky landscape. In springthis is a veritable rock garden,
adorned with lowgrowing,
hardy plants andshrubs including the wildthyme (Thymus capitatus)
which beekeepers look to,
for the production ofchoice honey. This is a
typical garigue habitat.
The path soon meets theelbow of an asphaltedroad. Turn left. 6

At this point, if you wishto take a detour and are
prepared to tackle thesteep return walk to thispoint, you can turn to your

Wild Thyme bush
right down the asphalted road toreach the spectacular view point of
Mi©ra Ferúa. The road winds
downhill for about 1.5 kms flanked
by a mixture of tall trees of AleppoPines (Pinus halepensis), Acacias
(Acaciia saligna and A. cyclopis)
Eucalypts (Eucalyptus sp.), and the
hardy Tamarix (Tamarix africana, T.
gallica, T articulata]). Through thetrees you can catch a glimpse ofFilfla, now a marine nature reserve.

Aleppo Pines lining the road
down to Mi©ra Ferúa

At the end of the asphalted roadand before the car park is reached,
there is a gorge, which runs downto the sea. According to traditionthis was the place where CountRoger the Norman and his armylanded in 1090 when he broughtto an end the Arab rule over Malta.
The close proximity to the oldcapital city, Mdina, made it easierfor Count Roger to surprise theArab garrison. The small mouth ofthe gorge reaching the sea level iscalled Migra Ferha (traditionallyheld to mean the joyous arrival).

The road ends in a car parkperched on the cliffs from wheredaring shore fisherman throwlong fishing lines. You may see
Mi©ra Ferúa gorge
the cane fish traps as well as floating
lines towed away in the opensea by small rafts carrying a sail(mrejkba). Avoid walking close tothe cliff edge due to occasionalsudden gusts of wind as well asthe continuous erosion of the cliff
face. This is a spot to feast oneÕseyes on the blue Mediterraneansea below as well as the surrounding
cliffs. The detour ends here.
Retrace your steps slowly uphilluntil you reach point. 6



Roman period rock quarries

Proceeding along the country road,
you pass by a solitary farm on yourright. The cliffs overlooking the seaare on your right. On the verge ofthe cliffs there is a solitary building.
This was one of the buildings

used by tuna fishermen inMalta up to the beginningof the last century to storetheir fishing tackle and tospot the shoals of tuna below.
These buildings werealso used by the Britishservices as part of theircoastal defence system.
Stretches of garigue flankthe road on both sides. The
winding road soon passesby a cluster of farmhouseson your right.

When the road starts narrowing,
you should see on your left old Roman
quarries still carrying thesigns of the preparatory chiselwork needed to quarry blocks of
stone. Although situated on private
land, they can be easily seenfrom the road which flanks them.


As the road veers away from thecliff edge, lush deep valleys can beseen below. The presence of anumber of springs makes for moreintensive farming activity.

Soon you will see across the widevalley, the chapel of Mtaúleb hamlet
perched on the edge of a cliffoverlooking the valley. Look towards
the chapel, you can the simple
abodes of farmers nestling in

the cliff faces. In fact, quite a fewfarms in the cliff face make use of
caves as an integral part of their living

A close scrutiny of the cliff faces,
will reveal several openings indicating
caves and dug outs still inuse as storage spaces or for livestock.
Although the farmhousesand chapel stand on a private estate,
the chapel is open to the public
for religious functions.

Large numbers of round brightgreen shrubs called spurges, someas high as 1.5 metres, can be foundalong the cliff sides and edges. In
our islands, one finds four spurges,
one of which is endemic to Malta
(Euphorbia melitensis).

Aleppo pine cones

Tomato plant in
an open field

The cliff hanging hamlet of Mtaúleb
Mtaúleb Chapel
The chapel, dedicated to the Nativity of our Lady, is one of anumber of chapels, known as ÔJuspatronatiÕ. Such chapels werebuilt by noblemen, the Knights and rich gentry, on their estates
or as part of their palaces, as their own private chapels.
The chapels are financially provided for by means of a foundation.
The church authorities used to grant them the
ÔJuspatronatusÕ or the right to nominate the rector. This chapel,
which is a juspatronatus of the noble DÕAmico Inguanez family,
whose family seat is at Mdina, is accessible to the public forprayers and for divine service. The chapel, constructed in 1656stands on the site of two earlier chapels built on the same foundations.
It was enlarged to its present state and its steeplerebuilt after a storm damage, during the late part of the past


Portal leading to
Mtaúleb hamlet
The road continues along the edgeof the cliff, and proceeds througha rocky area until a T junction is
7met. Turn left.

The windingroad is again flanked by a plainwith a predominance of the tuberous
rooted plant, the Asphodel
(Asphodelus sp.).

A large squat building surroundedby a high perimeter wall looms intoview. Walk towards this buildingand, just before you reach the perimeter
wall, take the narrow
road to the right. Walkthe few metres down this
road until you reach a por-
tal indicating private ownership
of the whole estatebehind it. The coat of arms

Cultivated land at Mtaúleb
of the Maltese noble fam

ily which owns this private
estate can be seen on the
top of the portal. Next to
the portal, on your left andhugging the rock face, there is amile-stone. This was one of manyinstalled during Victorian times inthe countryside, to indicate the distance
in miles, from that spot toValletta. This was a measure to
prevent horse driven cabs fromovercharging transport fares toBritish Military personnel stationed
in the area. Was this systemthe forerunner of the taxi-metre?


Retrace your steps tothe squat building,
turn right and con-
tinue walking for a fewmetres until a narrow
road on the right leadsto the Chapel. From
the church parvis onegets a stunning birdÕseye view of the coun-
tryside below as wellas a peep of the simpleabodes nestling in therock face below. The
chapel, the fertile val-
ley below, the farmssheltering under thecliffs, the rich macquisand a solitary clump ofa date palm providescountless opportuni-
ties for the photogra-
phy enthusiast.
You should walk back
to the main road and
turn right. 8
Retrace your steps tothe squat building,
turn right and con-
tinue walking for a fewmetres until a narrow
road on the right leadsto the Chapel. From
the church parvis onegets a stunning birdÕseye view of the coun-
tryside below as wellas a peep of the simpleabodes nestling in therock face below. The
chapel, the fertile val-
ley below, the farmssheltering under thecliffs, the rich macquisand a solitary clump ofa date palm providescountless opportuni-
ties for the photogra-
phy enthusiast.
You should walk back
to the main road and
turn right. 8

Ahead are a number of wind operated
water mills towering above irrigated
fields, while on the rightthere are stretches of garigue.
Soon the road starts going slightlydownhill, past some farm buildings.
The walk continues straighton downhill.

Continue walking and soon, youpass over an iron grill stretchingacross the road. This is a water culvert
to collect precious water runoff
from the asphalted road into anunderground reservoir to be used

for irrigation purposes. The roadpasses through a small cluster offarmhouses and continues downhill.
A side road on your right issoon reached. It indicates the wayto Dingli Cliffs. Continuing alongthe main road, you should meet arow of tall Eucalyptus trees flanking
the road. They are growingalong a ditch which actually is thebeginning of a valley, Wied il-
Buzbiez (Valley of Fennel).

Note on the right a large stonemarker with the letters GR carved
on its face. GR stands for King

George (of England) in Latin.
stone hut)
Private property
(King George period)

The marker indicates that the field
is government property (then thecolonial government). The road isnow flanked on both sides by fertile
fields, many of which are irrigated
offering a wide range of vegetables.

Walk along the main road. A few
metres beyond the left turning toL-Andrijiet, there is a second left9turning to Fiddien. Turn left here.
As you walk towards FiddienBridge, note the row of tall poplartrees (Populus alba) on your left.
A chainlink fence is seen on the
edge of the watercourse as you approach
the Fiddien bridge junction.
Note a large Pecan nut tree (Carja

oliveaformis) behind the fence nextto the Fiddien Bridge. The walknow comes back to the picnic area,
the same site visited at the beginning
of the walk. Keep going uphill
following the road sign to Rabat.
On the left, there is another
row of Mulberry trees, which endsin a Y-junction.

At this junction, a horse water
Pumpkin Field

fountain can still be seen, a silent
reminder of the times when environmentally
friendly carriages andcarts plied our roads. The walk continues
uphill towards Rabat alongTal-Qlejgúa road until the starting

point at the Busugrilla HousingEstate. Nearby is the historic townof Rabat. Should you wish to visitthe area again a stroll through thequaint streets of Rabat is recommended.
You can also visit Mdina,
one of MaltaÕs main attractions.

Horse drinking fountain -
Fiddien, Rabat

Tips for the road
The route is suitable for hikes and pedal bikes. Only when
crossing the Bahrija valley [between points 2 & 3] one is advised
to dismount and proceed on foot.
The local weather forecast should be checked before setting
off as there is hardly any shelter from adverse weather
conditions along the route. A raincoat can come in handy in
inclement weather.
Allow enough time to complete the walk in broad daylight.
Make allowances for time required for resting, taking of
photographs and observing nature.
It is advisable to wear appropriate footwear and a hat. A packed
lunch and a bottle of water are also recommended.
Always follow the designated route. Short cuts are to be avoided
as many fields are privately owned.
Some rubble walls are marked with blotches of white paint and
may also carry the letters RTO. These markings indicate private
As part of the walk includes a stretch of cliffs, avoid leaving the
footpath to walk closer to the cliff edge for safety reasons. Rock
erosion as well as sudden gusts of winds are real dangers. Safe
view points along the route are indicated.
In some valleys and gorges, mobile phone reception may be poor
or none at all.
Respect the fragility of the countryside. Do not climb over
rubble walls or throw stones in valleys or over cliffs. Do not
take souvenirs from historical sites or from the countryside. Do
not disturb animals, plants or their natural habitats. Leave only
your footprints behind you and nothing else.
Be culturally sensitive and respect local customs. Take
photographs but respect the privacy and dignity of others. Ask
permission before photographing people.
Bird trapping and hunting are practised in the countryside.
There are, however, strict regulations determining areas where
such activities are permitted and times of year where no such
activities are allowed.
Tips for the road
The route is suitable for hikes and pedal bikes. Only when
crossing the Bahrija valley [between points 2 & 3] one is advised
to dismount and proceed on foot.
The local weather forecast should be checked before setting
off as there is hardly any shelter from adverse weather
conditions along the route. A raincoat can come in handy in
inclement weather.
Allow enough time to complete the walk in broad daylight.
Make allowances for time required for resting, taking of
photographs and observing nature.
It is advisable to wear appropriate footwear and a hat. A packed
lunch and a bottle of water are also recommended.
Always follow the designated route. Short cuts are to be avoided
as many fields are privately owned.
Some rubble walls are marked with blotches of white paint and
may also carry the letters RTO. These markings indicate private
As part of the walk includes a stretch of cliffs, avoid leaving the
footpath to walk closer to the cliff edge for safety reasons. Rock
erosion as well as sudden gusts of winds are real dangers. Safe
view points along the route are indicated.
In some valleys and gorges, mobile phone reception may be poor
or none at all.
Respect the fragility of the countryside. Do not climb over
rubble walls or throw stones in valleys or over cliffs. Do not
take souvenirs from historical sites or from the countryside. Do
not disturb animals, plants or their natural habitats. Leave only
your footprints behind you and nothing else.
Be culturally sensitive and respect local customs. Take
photographs but respect the privacy and dignity of others. Ask
permission before photographing people.
Bird trapping and hunting are practised in the countryside.
There are, however, strict regulations determining areas where
such activities are permitted and times of year where no such
activities are allowed.

At Rabat, one can find all facilities one
would expect to find in a town, i.e.
catering facilities, public phonebooths, banks and publicconveniences, local council offices, the
district health clinic and Police Station.
At Baúrija hamlet, there are only a fewcatering facilities and a public phonebooth. Between Baúrija and thefinishing point at Rabat there are nosuch facilities.
Useful telephone numbers.
¥ Emergency & rescue 112
¥ Ambulance 196
¥ Rabat Police Station 2145 4554
¥ Malta Tourism Authority 2291 5800
¥ Rabat Health Centre 2145 9082/3
¥ Rabat Local Council office 2145 5000
¥ Telephone enquiries 1182
At Rabat, one can find all facilities one
would expect to find in a town, i.e.
catering facilities, public phonebooths, banks and publicconveniences, local council offices, the
district health clinic and Police Station.
At Baúrija hamlet, there are only a fewcatering facilities and a public phonebooth. Between Baúrija and thefinishing point at Rabat there are nosuch facilities.
Useful telephone numbers.
¥ Emergency & rescue 112
¥ Ambulance 196
¥ Rabat Police Station 2145 4554
¥ Malta Tourism Authority 2291 5800
¥ Rabat Health Centre 2145 9082/3
¥ Rabat Local Council office 2145 5000
¥ Telephone enquiries 1182
Write to

Baúrija Walk

Explore fertile valleys in the areas of Baúrija, Mtaúleb and Fiddien and observe traditional
agricultural operations. Walk along coastal cliffs and enjoy the stunning views as well as
a glimpse of the islet of Filfla. Discover a Bronze Age village, farmhouses built in the cliff
face and old Roman quarries.